The Science of Superstitions

“The most beautiful experience we can have is the mysterious. It is the fundamental emotion that stands at the cradle of true art and true science.” Albert Einstein, The World as I See It, 1931 The debate between realism and anti-realism is, at least, a century old. Does Science describe the real world – or are its theories true

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Anuloma-Viloma – Yogic Breathing For Better Health

Swami Kuvalyanand once said: Yoga has a message for the human body, for the human mind and the human spirit. This is a truism as a healthy body is the prime requisite for success and happiness in life. People are increasingly being convinced that yoga makes for good health, contentment and happiness in present day stressful

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Public School Rankings

?????? Remember the Army slogan, I Want YOU for the U.S. Army!? The poster showed a very stern Uncle Sam jabbing his finger nearly out of the picture. What about the one by Smokey the Bear? Even YOU can prevent forest fires! Well, lets add another one, shall we? Its important for YOU to consider Public School Rankings ! whe

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